Minorities – the majorities of the next generation
We particularly care about diseases which tend to be overlooked by other health care providers or the society. Each human deserves to be recognised with their individual needs.
Minorities – the majorities of the next generation
We particularly care about diseases which tend to be overlooked by other health care providers or the society. Each human deserves to be recognised with their individual needs.
Affordable health
We develop and distribute affordable high-quality pharmaceuticals in order to ensure better access to medicines for as many patients as possible worldwide.
Generics for an affordable health
We develop and distribute pharmaceutical generics in order to ensure better access to affordable medicines for as many patients as possible worldwide.
The next-generation tablet against hay-fever

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The next-generation tablet against hay-fever

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« Everyone has the right to the best possible access to medicines »

This is us

We, axunio Pharma (GmbH), have been distributing pharmaceuticals in eleven European countries since 2016.

Our main goal is to provide people having rare needs and diseases with the same access to affordable and high-quality pharmaceuticals that people with very common needs and diseases already have today. We are able to accomplish this goal by offering affordable products that provide innovative distribution channels and by always looking for needs of particular niches that have not yet received sufficient attention. Because everyone is worth having access to a fast and easy medical treatment!

A is for Alpha

We take on challenges that usually remain unnoticed, daring to start new beginnings with brave and innovation in order to provide access to the right treatment.

Patients as our centre of attention

We focus on the person, not on the disease. axunio offers individual solutions with the highest possible added value, even beyond the mainstream.

Together we are strong

We think holistically, because every single person is important and worthy to have access to medical treatment

Check it out

Paraveganio® – Paracetamol goes vegan

Did you know that conventional paracetamol tablets are not always vegan? Find out more in our exclusive FC St. Pauli comic and order your pack of Paraveganio® conveniently to your home.

> 0
axunio products

on the market

> 0 years
of experience

in the pharmaceutical industry

> 0 .000

in Germany are offering our products

> 0 million


We don’t take no for an answer

At axunio, no idea is too crazy. We do not focus on the standard, but on what could offer an actual added value for the patients. Even if that means daring to do something completely new!

Julia von Horsten

Business Development Manager